The Serious Game - Talk That Talk
This website is dedicated to foster a meaningful dialogue around transgressive behavior in a safe and playful way. “Talk That Talk” is a serious card game that places its emphasis on you, the bystander, aiming to enhance our understanding of the challenges and limitations we face when encountering sexually transgressive behavior. The primary goal of the game is to raise awareness about sexual violence and to inspire collective action in situations involving such behavior.
I’m excited to share my serious game “Talk That Talk” and my research findings for free on this website to spark a cultural shift against sexual violence. Your participation is crucial in promoting a safer and more equal society.
“Talk That Talk” was initially developed to encourage a dialogue about sexual violence among students in the Netherlands. However, the game can be used for multiple purposes and can be played in your university, with your family, and with friends. So, feel free to download, share, or adapt the game to different situations of transgression and for different groups of people. Go to “Download The Game” for more information.
If you would like to buy the game or organize workshops with Talk That Talk, feel free to reach out to me on the “Services & Contact” page!
Join me in my mission for a safer and more inclusive society by talking that talk!
My name is Francien Baijanova
Back in 2019, during the first year of my Master’s study in Engineering and Policy Analysis, I stumbled upon an article about a 620 km human chain of Indian women holding hands as a protest for equality. I was moved by their bravery and sense of urgency to unite peacefully for change. It motivated me to get up myself and contribute to the global women’s rights movement.
The article inspired me to dedicate my Master’s thesis in 2022 to sexual violence. I found support for my topic in the serious game lab of my faculty, and read in a 2021 report commissioned by Amnesty International about the high prevalence of sexually transgressive behaviour among students in the Netherlands. As such, I developed and evaluated a game to address sexual violence among students during my graduation project.
Conducting my thesis about such an incredibly sensitive and complex topic, was to put it lightly challenging. It was like taking off my rose-coloured glasses and seeing the world again without them. It’s like an accident or drama play happening in front of you. You want to close your eyes, but you can’t. You want to avert your eyes, but you don’t.
They say that knowledge is power, but I would say it’s a responsibility. In a way, it felt easier to not know about the patterns that contribute to and lead to sexual violence as to not feel responsible for it. However, with my studies, I wanted to open my eyes to uncomfortable topics and to not shy away from them. It was a path I was lucky to choose instead of it choosing me.
I hope my serious game also opens your eyes and motivates you to talk that talk.